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Michelle Matthews, Coach Dip., NLP Master& Crystal Healing Practitioner 


My coaching and NLP journey began back in 2016 while I was in the midst of my sales career. After many years chasing success, I was exhausted physically and emotionally. I was not my best self- not just in work, but at home too. I was so stuck in the mindset that I had to keep going as I relied on supporting myself. I told myself I couldn't take a day off, or time off just because I was feeling tired. So I kept going, until one day- I ended up in severe pain and a huge rash across my face and body. I knew it was stress. I took two weeks off- reluctantly, but I knew deep down, this wouldn't be enough to really tackle the burnout once and for all.

I knew what I needed to do was to take action! I wanted to do something, not just talk about it. I was introduced to a wonderful coach called Betty Cosgrave who was trained in NLP and various therapies. Betty walked me through the tools and ways in which Coaching & NLP would help me reframe the story I was telling myself everyday. Meeting Betty would be the catalyst for my success from that day forward.

That year I undertook a diploma in life coaching and to become a practitioner of NLP. When I finished that I immediately went on to complete the master practitioner of NLP in 2018.

Since then, I have utilised coaching, meditation & NLP tools and practices on a daily basis which has created fundamental change in my life and for my clients.


I take a non-judgemental and gentle approach to ensuring my clients get great results. I have an extensive commercial background in sales, relationship management and implementing wellness practices into the workplace. 

More recently I have completed a diploma practitioner for crystal healing which has further deepened my practice in holistic services. 


Michelle holds a valid license to practice as a Coach & NLP Master Level Practitioner. 

Michelle is certified as a Mental Health First Aider (MHFA Workplace)

Michelle is a current practitioner for Lumina Spark, a psychometric tool.


Michelle holds a current diploma for crystal healing. 

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